McKenna Kahanek
Connor McCanless
Kailyn Blanton
“Gateway has access to personal resources that’s helped me to apply for colleges.”
“My spouse and I believe that Gateway is an example of a school that is doing everything right. We feel so fortunate to be part of the Gateway family. ”
“We have had a wonderful experience and feel like we are home. Thank you for making this the right place for us.”
“I love being the Gateway mascot.
It provides me the opportunity to put myself out there.”
“This school is amazing! It’s a hidden gem! Trust me...The teachers and administration at Gateway really do care and everyone is there because they want to be.”
“..Our kids came to my wife and I and said that this is by far their favorite school they have ever attended. I know I see a difference in what they are learning and how they are learning it. I definitely see a fire burning in them.”